New American Standard Bible 1995

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Folly is joy to him who lacks sense, But a man of understanding walks straight.


Verse part Definition: Part of speech: Strong's: Hebrew: Transliteration:
Folly folly Noun H200 אִ֭וֶּלֶת iv·ve·let
is joy joy, gladness, mirth Noun H8057 שִׂמְחָ֣ה sim·chah
to him who lacks needy, lacking, in want of Adjective H2638 לַחֲסַר־ la·cha·sar-
sense, inner man, mind, will, heart Noun H3820 לֵ֑ב lev;
But a man man Noun H376 וְאִ֥ישׁ ve·'ish
of understanding an understanding Noun H8394 תְּ֝בוּנָ֗ה te·vu·nah
walks to go, come, walk Verb H1980 לָֽכֶת׃ la·chet.
straight. to be smooth, straight, or right Verb H3474 יְיַשֶּׁר־ ye·ya·sher-

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New American Standard Bible 1995 Folly is joy to him who lacks sense, But a man of understanding walks straight.
King James Bible Folly is joy to him who lacks sense, But that is destitute of wisdom: but a man of understanding walks straight.walketh uprightly.
Hebrew Greek English Folly is joy to him who lacks sense, But a man of understanding walks straight.