Four: The world, four is the global number
The number "four" has a global or relates to the world. There are some common and similar expressions in the Scripture, which are "the four winds of the heavens" or "the four corners of the earth" or "the four ends of the heavens." Each of these expressions relate to the earth or the world in a collective manner. In the book of Daniel chapter 2, one reads about a dream which Nebuchadnezzar dreamed. In this dream, he saw an image set up and this image had four distinct parts. Each of these parts represented an empire which ruled over the world.
In the book of Deuteronomy chapter 22, Israel is told to make a four-corner garment and place a tzitzit upon each corner. The tzitzit represents the Biblical commandments of the Torah (see Numbers chapter 15). These commandments are understood as being a framework for life in this world, as when one dies, the tzitzit are removed from one's four corner garment for burial.
In the books of Ezekiel and Revelation, one encounters the four beasts, which are in the heavens and never cease to praise HaShem. It is understood that the four beasts who continuously say, "Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God of Hosts, Who was and is and is to come" (see Revelation 4:6-9) are related to the will of God for all the world (His creation). In a similar manner, one of the Seraphim called to another saying, "Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of Hosts, all of the earth (shall be) with His Glory." - Baruch Korman, Ph.D. - All Rights Reserved - Used with Permission 2016