Berean Bible

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And the seven angels having the seven trumpets prepared themselves, that they might sound the trumpets.


Verse part Definition: Part of speech: Strong's: Greek: Transliteration:
seven Seven. Adj-AFP H2033 ἑπτὰ epta
angels A messenger, generally a (supernatural) messenger from God, an angel, conveying news or behests from God to men. N-NMP H32 ἄγγελοι angeloi
having To have, hold, possess. V-PPA-NMP H2192 ἔχοντες echontes
seven Seven. Adj-AFP H2033 ἑπτὰ epta
trumpets A trumpet, the sound of a trumpet. N-AFP H4536 σάλπιγγας salpingas
prepared To make ready, prepare. V-AIA-3P H2090 ἡτοίμασαν ētoimasan
themselves, Her own, his own, their own, themselves, they. PPro-AM3P H848    
they might sound the trumpets. To sound a trumpet. V-ASA-3P H4537 σαλπίσωσιν salpisōsin

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Berean Bible And the seven angels having the seven trumpets prepared themselves, that they might sound the trumpets.
King James Bible And the seven angels having which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves, that they might sound the trumpets.themselves to sound.
Hebrew Greek English And the seven angels having who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves, that they might themselves to sound the trumpets.them.
New American Standard Bible 1995 And the seven angels having who had the seven trumpets prepared themselves, that they might themselves to sound the trumpets.them.